I have been graced with many moments of illumination in my life where wisdom was bestowed upon me and my life changed for the better.

There is one moment that stands above all others.  This moment changed the course of my life forever. For thirty-eight years I had been suffering from a progressive degenerative neurological disease that left me with very little ability to use either of my hands. I was literally hanging on for dear life. Because of this I eventually had to leave behind a 23-year career as an occupational therapist. I became involved in Jewish Renewal, which fed my heart and soul. This brought me hope, joy and a new meaning to God and spirituality.

During one of my many retreats I met someone who opened the door to the metaphysical world of energetic healing. Ten days prior to my 5oth birthday I had a three-hour reading over the phone with a shaman in Colorado. It was as if I handed her an autobiography and MRI. She just knew me. She told me at the end of session that I would heal completely and that I had a lot of teaching to share in his world.

It was on that day that I said yes to the universe. That was the day I knew that I was a co-creator in my destiny. It was on that day that I announced to God that I was done being ill, “either I heal or I am out of here”.  Maria’s reading gave me the courage to heal for real. God heard my plea. From that day forward, healers would find me, almost drop in my lap to assist me on my journey towards wholeness. It has been almost five years since that day and I am healthier and stronger than I have ever been in my life. I am a miracle and I sit in total gratitude that I have been able to witness the joy of healing.

I know that God will always be at my side, gently encouraging me to say yes, to live in my higher self and to fulfill my life’s purpose. I know I am blessed.  Today it brings me great joy to share my healing with others who have the courage to say yes and be free of any form of dis-ease, be it physical, emotional or spiritual.

Are you ready to open to the Universe and be aligned with your true mission?

