WELCOME TO MY NEW WEBSITE! I would like to share with you a very powerful transformation that has occurred over the past five months, one that lovingly challenged me to take a bold leap of faith (and deep knowing) so I could move into something more aligned with who I am today. May my insights and revelations entice you to take your next bold step forward.

It’s about pressing the reset button

Back Story

In October of 2015 I engaged in the process of rebranding with two amazingly brilliant and creative souls, Jane Ashley and Scott Watrous. They took me under their intuitive and creative wings and helped me uplift and redefine my message.  In particular, they spoke to how my vibration has shifted and “the work” must shift as well.


“The best thing about this is the complete shift from past to presence. You have turned so perfectly away from the dark of your story to the light of pure potential. “ Scott Watrous

 The work began with our deep dive to distill my essence at The Flower of Life Retreat at their home in Connecticut. We experienced three days of intuiting, exploring, sharing and listening to the messages we received which would lay the foundation for the work, my vibration and intention to be in sync.  Because I simply love processing and engaging in esoteric conversation, I fully opened to the fire stirring within allowing this experience to ignite and then birth my uplifted expression.

During these past five months, we continued to engage in deep and playful conversation on a weekly basis. I found myself energetically shifting from Invisible Child to Audacious Adult filling me with a renewed sense of knowing, passion and resonance. And so I became,

I am grateful for my audacity, strength, and desire to embrace expansiveness while engaging in deep internal inquiry. Yes, it was another powerful leap of faith.

My soul knew it. My heart knew it. My personality knew it. Complete alignment.

I would like to thank you for being on this journey with me. My desire and mission is to assist anyone who has the courage to open the door to healing and inner truth by offering promise, possibility, and guidance along the way.

Doorway to an Audacious Life is about change and solutions. It speaks to the powerful acknowledgment that you are the greatest change agent in your life. The rest of us simply hold the container for the magic to happen.  What’s an incredible gift to witness!

Are you willing to do the deep dive and find out what makes you tick? Are you in the driver’s seat of your life or do you give it away to someone else, possibly because you are recapitulating old stories?

 These questions will help you to dive deep into your truth and allow the discovery to assist you in becoming the empowered one in your life.

 In celebrating the launch of my new website I am offering a complimentary 15-minute session to anyone courageous enough to Open the Doorway to your greatest potential.

 Contact Laura at Laura@doorwaytoanaudaciouslife.com to make your appointment.



