May we heal the breach of suffering that is growing wider and wide

May we heal our world, our earth, our souls and ourselves.

May we rise up and have the courage to love, honor and respect our and the person sitting next to us.

This is a time of forgiveness, a time for clarity, a time to surrender into our strength and deepest knowing.  As we get out of our way, we allow the healing opportunities our souls have called in for greater transformation and transmutation.

This is a time of great change and endings. We can rise from this with grace and dignity. It is the choice our souls have made. It is the choice our heart agrees with.

If our heart and soul are one then we move ahead in peace.If there’s residual discordant energy between our heart purpose, soul desire, mind, and ego, this IS the time to heal the breach within to heal the breach without.

And so it is.

